Friday, March 23, 2012

Path to a Happy Practicum: Let the Principles of Learning Guide You

What does good teaching look like?  What makes a lesson work?  How do you know if you're on the right track?   How do you know if your students will be engaged at all?  Never fear....let the Principles of Learning (as cited in the BC ELA IRP) guide you!

  • Learning requires the active participation of the student.
  • People learn in a variety of ways and at different rates.
  • Learning is both an individual and a group process.
  • Learning is most effective when students reflect on the process of learning and set goals. 
Keep these principles in mind as you plan...this will help you decide upon the most effective teaching methods in your toolbox.  Already planned your lessons?  Take another look at them, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this lesson require active participation of my students?
  •  Is there enough variety in my lesson so that all learners have a pathway to engagement?
  • Do I allow for individual and group activities?  Is there a balance of both?
  • Are my students reflecting on the process of learning in a meaningful way?
  • Have my students had any say in the goals of this project?  Do you provide space for individual goal-setting?
Sometimes, even when all the boxes are checked off and you have been mindful of the Principles of Learning - a lesson can flop.  There are good days, and according to Alexander,  there are "horrible, no good, very bad days."  The key is to pick yourself up by your teachable bootstraps and try again tomorrow!

Have a happy practicum,

Carol N.